{ claus.conrad }

CommunityServer 2008.5 Blogs API reference

đź“… Oct 18, 2010
⌛ 6 minutes

Some details about the blog API in CommunityServer 2008.


GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/

Returns a paged list of all blogs visible to the current user.


Status: 200 OK


| PageSize | Integer | Number of blogs per page | Optional | | PageIndex | Integer | Page number | Optional |

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogId}

Returns data about a specific blog.


Status: 200 OK

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogKey}

Returns data about a specific blog.


Status: 200 OK

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogQuery}

Returns a paged list of blogs matching the query parameter(s) visible to the current user.


Status: 200 OK


| Name | String | Name or part of the name of the blog. Wildcard character is “%”. | Optional | | IsActive | Boolean | Whether the blog is active | Optional | | AccessLevel | Enum | “View”, “Post” | Optional | | Ids | Integer[] | Comma-separated list of blog IDs. | Optional | | Keys | String[] | Comma-separated list of blog keys. | Optional | | GroupIDs | Integer[] | Comma-separated list of blog group IDs | Optional | | SortBy | String | Can be set to “Name”, “LastPost”, “Post”, “SortOrder” or “Thread” | Optional | | Order | String | The sort order for the “SortBy” parameter. Can be set to “Ascending” or “Descending”. | Optional | | PageSize | Integer | Number of blogs per page | Optional | | PageIndex | Integer | Page number | Optional |

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogId}/members

Returns a list of members of the specified blog.


Status: 200 OK

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogId}/members/{userId}

Returns the specified member of the specified blog.


Status: 200 OK

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogId}/posts

Returns a paged list of posts in the specified blog.


Status: 200 OK


| PageSize | Integer | Number of posts per page | Optional | | PageIndex | Integer | Page number | Optional |

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogId}/posts/{blogPostId}

Returns the specified post in the specified blog.


Status: 200 OK

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogId}/posts/{blogPostId}/comments

Returns a paged list of comments for the specified post in the specified blog.


Status: 200 OK


| PageSize | Integer | Number of comments per page | Optional | | PageIndex | Integer | Page number | Optional |

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogId}/posts/{blogPostId}/comments/{blogPostCommentId}

Returns the specified comment for the specified post in the specified blog.


Status: 200 OK

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogId}/posts/{blogPostId}/trackbacks

Returns a paged list of trackbacks for the specified post in the specified blog.


Status: 200 OK


| PageSize | Integer | Number of trackbacks per page | Optional | | PageIndex | Integer | Page number | Optional |

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogId}/posts/{blogPostId}/trackbacks/{trackbackId}

Returns the specified trackback for the specified post in the specified blog.


Status: 200 OK

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogId}/posts/{blogPostId}/ratings

Returns a list of ratings for the specified post in the specified blog.


Status: 200 OK
 <ratinglist sum="X" average="Y">

GET /api/blogs.ashx/blogs/{blogId}/posts/{blogPostId}/ratings/{username}

Returns rating by user with {username} for the specified post in the specified blog.

If the user doesn’t exist or didn’t rate the post, the whole list of ratings for the specified post is returned!


Status: 200 OK

Blog Posts

GET /api/blogs.ashx/posts/{blogPostId}

Returns the specified post.


Status: 200 OK

GET /api/blogs.ashx/posts/{blogPostQuery}

Returns a paged list of posts matching the query parameter(s) visible to the current user.


Status: 200 OK


| IsActive | Boolean | Whether the post is active | Optional | | BlogIds | Integer[] | Comma-separated list of blog IDs. | Optional | | Keywords | String[] | Comma-separated list of keywords. All keywords must be matched. | Optional | | SortBy | String | Can be set to “MostComments”, “MostRecent” or “MostViewed” | Optional | | Order | String | The sort order for the “SortBy” parameter. Can be set to “Ascending” or “Descending”. | Optional | | PageSize | Integer | Number of posts per page | Optional | | PageIndex | Integer | Page number | Optional |

GET /api/blogs.ashx/posts/{blogPostId}/comments

Returns a paged list of comments for the specified post.


Status: 200 OK


| PageSize | Integer | Number of comments per page | Optional | | PageIndex | Integer | Page number | Optional |

GET /api/blogs.ashx/posts/{blogPostId}/trackbacks

Returns a paged list of trackbacks for the specified post.


Status: 200 OK


| PageSize | Integer | Number of trackbacks per page | Optional | | PageIndex | Integer | Page number | Optional |

Blog Comments

GET /api/blogs.ashx/comments/{blogPostCommentId}

Returns the specified comment.


Status: 200 OK

PUT /api/blogs.ashx/comments/

Creates the sent comment.



GET /api/blogs.ashx/comments/{blogPostCommentQuery}

Returns a paged list of comments matching the query parameter(s) visible to the current user.


Status: 200 OK


| IsActive | Boolean | Whether the comment is active | Optional | | PostId | Integer | ID of a blog post. If specified, only comments for that post are shown. | Optional | | Keywords | String[] | Comma-separated list of keywords. All keywords must be matched. | Optional | | PageSize | Integer | Number of comments per page | Optional | | PageIndex | Integer | Page number | Optional |

Blog Trackbacks

GET /api/blogs.ashx/trackbacks/{trackbackId}

Returns the specified trackback.


Status: 200 OK

GET /api/blogs.ashx/trackbacks/{trackbackQuery}

Returns a paged list of trackbacks matching the query parameter(s) visible to the current user.


Status: 200 OK


| PostId | Integer | ID of a blog post. If specified, only trackbacks for that post are shown. | Optional | | Keywords | String[] | Comma-separated list of keywords. All keywords must be matched. | Optional | | PageSize | Integer | Number of trackbacks per page | Optional | | PageIndex | Integer | Page number | Optional |

Blog Groups

GET /api/blogs.ashx/bloggroups/

Returns a list of all blog groups visible to the current user.


Status: 200 OK

GET /api/blogs.ashx/bloggroups/{blogGroupId}

Returns data about the specified blog group.


Status: 200 OK