Weekly review: Week ending February 11, 2011
📅 Feb 12, 2011
⌛ 1 minute
Plans from last week:
- [X] Developed content for right side of templates (MM)
- [X] Inserted new content, search function and changed order in right side of templates (MM)
- [X] Evaluated offer for new servers (MM)
- [X] Finalized specs and accepted offer for development of new newsletter type (MM)
- [X] Began work on user data extraction script (MM)
- [X] Finished migration to Google Apps (MM)
- Troubleshooting of Pinq leads (MM)
- Processed lots of error reports (MM)
- Server reconfiguration and other work to troubleshoot performance problems (MM)
- Extracted lots of lead data (MM)
- Installed a Mercurial server (MM)
- Set up a new web server for troubleshooting purposes (MM)
- Installed updates to all servers and CMS sites under own administration (CC)
- Bought a PyCharm license and started using it on small projects – converting from Komodo IDE (CC, MM)
- Continued trying to improve my social networking by double-sharing family pictures and other content on Flickr, Facebook, Diigo, Amplify and other sites
- Went to the doctor with Trine
- Routine test of smoke detectors
- Booked dentist appointments for all kids