- A text-based game that has been running since 1996-12-07.
- Free to play; irregular fundraising runs provide optional perks.
- Good support for visually impaired players.
- Impressive tutorial (“Aylorian Academy”) welcomes new players.
- Role-playing not enforced, and rarely encountered.
- PK (PvP) opt-in.
- Races
- You may change your race free of charge every 3 days.
- Classes
- You may change your class free of charge every 7 days.
- You can multi-class after level 201.
Before training stats for the first time, it is strongly recommended that you read
help stats
. You may also want to check out the help file for your class (i.e.,help mage
) for suggested stats to train.
- Wiki
- The Gaardian
- l33t.xyz
- Fort Terramire / All in a Fayke Day
- Epics
- Aardwolf MUSHclient Package - customized version of MUSHclient
- Documentation
- Plugins
- Aardurel/aard-plugins - tools to analyze and use items in your inventory
- Web client
Third party
- For Mudlet
- AardwolfMudlet - last updated 2022-05-13
- Mudlet Aardwolf GUI - last updated 2010-07-24
- For TinTin++
Commands are not case-sensitive. If some of their first characters are capitalized below, those are the minimum number of characters that must be typed for the command to be recognized unambigously. For example, it suffices to type the letter “i” to view ones inventory.
Command | Function |
*SOCIAL_NAME | Use SOCIAL_NAME in current room |
*SOCIAL_NAME TARGET | Use SOCIAL_NAME towards TARGET in current room |
Account / WOrth | Show carried & bank-deposited gold amounts, as well as trivia points and quest points |
affects | Shows currently active spells and skills affecting your character |
AFK | Go away-from-keyboard |
AFK MESSAGE | Go away-from-keyboard, with a custom message send to others who Tell you |
aflags | Shows all current game affects on your character, whether granted by race, worn equipment, or spells |
align | See your current alignment |
allspells | See all spells and skills in all of your current classes |
allspells all | See all spells/skills in the game |
allspells CLASS | Show available spells/skills for CLASS |
allspells FROM_LEVEL TO_LEVEL | Filter your available spells/skills by level |
APPraise OBJ | Show stats for OBJ sold by shop |
APPraise SHOP_NUM | Show stats for item indicated by SHOP_NUM in the first column from LIst at a shop, as well as the amount of time it will be available |
areadeaths | List areas in order of number of monsters killed there |
areakills | Show the deadliest areas (where most players have been killed) |
areas | List all areas on Aardwolf |
areas explored | List areas with number of explored rooms; if combined with level range, explored should come last |
areas FROM_LEVEL TO_LEVEL | List all areas within the level range |
areas unexplored | List areas with number of unexplored rooms; if combined with level range, unexplored should come last |
ask santa for present | During Christmas supposedly… |
attr | Show condensed information about the 6 main stats |
AUCtion | Toggle auction channel |
AUCtion ITEM | Put ITEM up for auction with a starting bid of 100 coins |
AUCtion ITEM MINBID | Put ITEM up for auction with a starting bid of MINBID coins |
AUCtion set NUMBER | See objects up to NUMBER levels below your current level on the auction channel; this adjusts automatically when leveling |
AUCtion sethigh NUMBER | See objects up to NUMBER levels above your current level on the auction channel; this adjusts automatically when leveling |
autogold | Toggle automatic gold looting |
AUTOKeep | Toggles a config option that will cause any items bought from stores or questmasters to be automatically kept |
autoloot | Toggle automatic looting of all gold and items of killed monsters |
autorecall | Toggle automatic attempts to recall if you lose your connection to Aardwolf while in battle |
autosac | Toggle automatically sacrificing corpses when you kill a monster |
autosavemsg | Toggle displaying the message when the server autosaves the character (every 15 minutes) |
BId | See items up for auction |
BId NUMBER | Show stats and current bid for auction with NUMBER |
BId NUMBER AMOUNT | Bid AMOUNT coins on auction with NUMBER |
BLACKJack COMMAND | Play Blackjack; see help blackjack |
bprompt | Set battle prompt |
BRAndish | Release the effect of a (held) magical staff on every appropriate target in the room, using one of its charges |
Buy OBJ | Buy OBJect from shop |
Buy QTY OBJ | Buy QTY numbers of OBJect from shop |
Buy QTY SHOP_NUM | Buy QTY numbers of the object indicated by SHOP_NUM in the first column of LIst from shop |
Buy SHOP_NUM | Buy object indicated by SHOP_NUM in the first column of LIst from shop |
Buy ticket all | Buy up to the limit (100 tickets) with random numbers at the lottery store; each ticket costs 10000 gold |
Buy ticket NUM1 NUM2 NUM3 | Buy 1 ticket with specific numbers at the lottery store; each ticket costs 10000 gold |
Buy ticket random | Buy 1 ticket with random numbers at the lottery store; each ticket costs 10000 gold |
Cast 'SPELL_NAME' TARGET | Cast the spell named SPELL_NAME on the TARGET (TARGET may be omitted if already fighting TARGET) |
Cast SPELL_NUMBER TARGET | Cast the spell with the number SPELL_NUMBER on the TARGET (TARGET may be omitted if already fighting TARGET) |
catchtells | Toggle storing all tells sent to you; this command cannot be abbreviated |
CHANNEL_NAME -h LINES | Show last LINES lines of history from the CHANNEL_NAME channel |
CHANNEL_NAME -h TEXT | Search history of channel CHANNEL_NAME for TEXT |
CHANNEL_NAME *off MINUTES | Turn CHANNEL_NAME off temporarily for MINUTES minutes |
CHannels | List chat channels and their status |
CHannels curse | List chat channels where cursing is allowed |
CLANAdmin | Clan administration; see help CM-Clanadmin |
CLANALlies CLAN | Show alliances of clan CLAN (short name) |
CLANInfo | Show information about your clan |
CLANInfo CLAN | Show information about clan CLAN |
CLANMotd | Show the clan message of the day |
CLantalk MESSAGE | Send MESSAGE to the clantalk channel |
CLantalk MSG | Speak on the clantalk channel |
classchange PASSWORD SUBCLASS RACE | Change your primary class, rebuild instinct, rebuild masteries and rebuild stats; can be used free of charge every 7 days |
CLIents | List of MUD clients used by online users |
CLISt | Show information on each of the clans in Aardwolf |
CLISt logos | Show clan logos |
CLISt nopk | Show information on all NO-PK clans |
CLISt pk | Show information on all PK clans |
CLOse OBJ | Close OBJect |
colorset status | Displays current color scheme |
COMmands | Show a list of commands available for use in the game |
COMPare ... containers | Include items inside containers when comparing |
COMPare ... wearable | Limit compare results to wearable gear only (i.e. not unusable items) |
COMPare ITEM | Compare the item with what is in its wear location (but not carried equipment with the same wear location) |
COMPare ITEM1 all | Compare the item with what is in its wear location, also includes carried equipment with the same wear location |
COMPare ITEM1 ITEM2 | Compares two items |
COMPare LOCATION | Compare worn item to all other items (see wearable for possible LOCATIONs) |
config / autolist | See commonly used configurable settings |
config all / autolist all | See all configurable settings, including more obscure ones |
CONSEnt | List players currently allowed to loot your corpse |
CONSEnt NAME | Add/remove NAME from consent list |
COnsider / COnsider all | See chances of defeating all monsters in the room |
COnsider MONSTER | See chances of defeating MONSTER |
contents | List categories of help files |
contents CATEGORY | List help files in CATEGORY |
contents newhelp | List help files for new players |
COORdinates | Display your current location on the current continent in x,y format |
daily | Shows blessing rewards and timers |
daily blessing | Request your daily blessing |
DEAf | Toggle tells on/off |
deposit all | Deposit all held gold into bank (while there) |
deposit AMOUNT | Deposit AMOUNT of gold into bank (while there) |
destroy all | Destroy all self owned items on the ground |
destroy ITEM inv | Destroy an ITEM in your inventory |
destroy OBJECT | Destroy an owned item on the ground |
disband | Disband group |
DOMains | List of countries online users are connected from |
down | Move down |
drink | Drink something |
drop AMOUNT coins / drop AMOUNT gold | Drop AMOUNT of gold to the ground |
drop OBJECT | Drop OBJECT to the ground |
East | Move toward East |
eat | Eat something |
ECHOCommand | Toggle displaying commands sent by the client (e.g. useful for debugging aliases) |
EMote ACTION | Emotes an ACTION, e.g. emote smirks would be seen as “Player smirks” by others in the room |
ENter | Enter a (held) portal |
ENter PORTAL | Enter (in-room) PORTAL |
EQData | Print worn equipment in CSV format (for use by client plugins) |
EQSearch all | List better equipment for all wear slots (body parts). See here where to get area equipment; use CLANInfo CLAN for directions to no-pk clans. |
EQuipment | Lists all of the visible equipment that you are currently wearing, wielding, or holding |
EXAmine OBJ | Displays both look OBJ and look in OBJ concurrently |
EXits | See more detail on exits from the current room |
exp / x | Show experience needed to level |
exptable | See a table of exp per level at each remort and tier combination |
Fill CONTAINER | Refill drink CONTAINER (from a source in the room) |
FINd list / FINd all / LOCate list / LOCate all | List points of interest in the area; currently, this command only works in the City of Aylor and the Aylorian Academy |
finger CHARACTER | A shorter version of whois that can be used even on players not currently connected to the game; shows level, race, class, sex, email, web address, ‘from’, remorts, whether or not the person is in a clan, whether or not they are married, their custom AFK message if applicable, and the last time thatperson was online (or whether they are now) |
flee | Try to flee from combat; costs 10 experience points if successful |
FOllow NAME | Follow a player or monster named NAME |
FOllow self | Stop following someone |
FORage | Hunt for food and water in woodland and similar areas; rangers only |
forget | Reduce one stat by a few sessions to allow to you to train a different stat |
FORUm / BOard | List subscribed forums with unread notes |
FORUm all / FORUms all / BOard all | List all subscribed forums |
forum NAME / BOard NAME | Switch to forum NAME |
forum NUMBER / BOard NUMBER | Switch to forum number NUMBER (see forum all for list with numbers) |
freeze self PASSWORD HOURS | Lock yourself out of the game for HOURS hours |
FRiend | List friends |
FRiend ago | Shows how long ago friends last logged in |
FRiend CHARACTER | Add CHARACTER to friend list |
FRiend clear | Clear whole friend list |
FRiend compare FRIEND_NAME | Show friends in common with friend FRIEND_NAME |
FRiend laston | Shows when friends last logged in |
FRiend online | Shows online friends |
FRiend reject | Reject a friend request |
FRiend remove CHARACTER | Remove CHARACTER from friend list |
FRiend wannabe | List players who have added you as a friend, but you haven’t |
FTalk | Toggle friend talk channel on/off |
FTalk MESSAGE | Send MESSAGE to all friends |
Get all corpse | Get all items from ones corpse (after death and returning to the corpse) |
Get OBJECT / take OBJECT | Pick up OBJECT from ones inventory, the ground, a container or a corpse |
give AMOUNT gold PLAYER | Give AMOUNT gold coins to PLAYER |
GLance | A shortened version of Look which emits the room description and map |
goals | List all non-hidden goals |
goals GOAL | Lists information for given GOAL |
goals here | Lists current area goal info |
gold | See how much gold you currently have available on hand |
group | Shows group stats (if in a group) |
group accept LEADER | Accept a group invite from LEADER |
group CHARACTER | Add CHARACTER to a group |
gulp | Drink until drunk, full, no longer thirsty or out of liquid |
HEAl | List heal options, keywords, and costs; requires a healer in the room |
HEAl OPTION | Buy the given OPTION from the healer |
help aarditems | Show costs and stats of equipment that can be bought from questors using quest points |
Help NewGuide-Aylor | Newbie guide to City of Aylor |
Help NewGuide-Classes | Newbie guide to classes & races |
Help NewGuide-Communications | Newbie guide to forums & channels |
Help NewGuide-Definitions | Newbie guide to definitions |
Help NewGuide-Explore | Newbie guide to exploring |
Help NewGuide-FAQ | Newbie FAQ |
Help NewGuide-Goals | Newbie guide to goals |
Help NewGuide-Help | Newbie guide to getting help |
Help NewGuide-Level | Newbie guide to leveling |
Help NewGuide-Links | Newbie links |
Help NewGuide-Quests | Newbie guide to quest points |
Help NewGuide-Rules | Newbie guide to rules |
Help NewGuide-Stats | Newbie guide to stats & armor |
Help search TEXT | Search help files for TEXT |
Help TOPIC | Show help about TOPIC |
HOld OBJ | Hold OBJect (such as a light, wand, staff, teleporter, etc.) |
hunger | Show hunger/fullness, thirst and sobriety |
IDentify CONTAINER | Check how much your CONTAINER is holding |
IDentify OBJECT | Show detailed information about the OBJECT |
IGnore | Show ignore list |
IGnore PLAYER | Add/remove PLAYER to/from ignore list (max. 20) |
INDex CHARS | List help files whose names begin with CHARS |
INDex newguide | List newbie guides |
INFo | List info channels and their status |
INFo -h CHANNEL | See history for CHANNEL |
INFo CHANNEL | Toggle info CHANNEL on/off |
INFo CHANNEL clanonly | Toggle to only receive info messages about clan members on CHANNEL |
INFo CHANNEL friends | Toggle to only receive info messages about friends on CHANNEL |
INVData | Print carried inventory in CSV format (for use by client plugins) |
INVDetails OBJ_ID | Returns details about OBJ_ID, for use by client-side scripts/plugins |
Inventory | See the equipment you are carrying |
Inventory CHARACTERS | See carried equipment with CHARACTERS in the name |
INVMon | Toggles the display of invitem and invmon tags, useful for client-side scripting/plugins |
KEep OBJ | Add a flag to OBJ to make it unable to be accidentally dropped, sold, auctioned, eaten, or given to a monster |
keyloot | Toggle automatic looting of keys from killed monsters |
keyring list | Shows keys in keyring |
keyring put all | Places all eligible items on the keyring |
Kill TARGET | Initiate combat with TARGET |
learned | Displays all known abilities |
level | Show current level |
LIst | List items for sale at a store |
LIst inv / LIst inventory | List items for sale at a store, which are in the shopkeepers regular inventory, i.e. not items sold to the store by players |
LIst KEYWORD | List items for sale at a store matching KEYWORD |
LOCK DIRECTION | Lock the door in DIRECTION; requires its key |
LOCK OBJ | Lock OBJect; requires its key |
Look / REAd | Describe current room |
Look DIRECTION / REAd DIRECTION | Try to see something in a specific DIRECTION; the DIRECTION must not be abbreviated (e.g. l south , not l s ) |
look in OBJ/CORPSE | Displays inventory of container/corpse |
Look OBJ / REAd OBJ | Describe OBJect, NPC, etc. |
LORe OBJ | Show details about OBJ; only works in cities and costs some movement points to perform |
LOTtery collect | Collect lottery winnings (within 30 days of the drawing) |
LOTtery prizes | Displays jackpot and time for next lottery drawing |
LOTtery tickets | Displays tickets held for current lottery |
MARKet bid AUCTION_NO / LBid AUCTION_NO | See stats of market listing with number AUCTION_NO |
MARKet bid AUCTION_NO AMOUNT | Bid AMOUNT on market listing with number AUCTION_NO |
MARKet list / LBid | List items for sale on the market |
MARKet notes | Toggle outbid notes when you are online |
MARKet ON/OFF | Turn market channel ON/OFF |
MARKet search OPTIONS | Search the list of items for sale on the market; see help ifilter regarding OPTIONS |
MARKet sell ITEM TYPE buyout AMOUNT | Put ITEM up for sale on the market; TYPE is “QP” or “gold” (also “TP” for Imms); AMOUNT is the buyout amount |
MARKet sell ITEM TYPE DAYS | Put ITEM up for sale on the market; TYPE is “QP” or “gold” (also “TP” for Imms); DAYS is an optional number between 1-7 |
mobdeaths FROM_LEVEL TO_LEVEL MOB_ALIGNMENT | Show what mobs it would be helpful for you to kill, by indicating what other people of your level have been killing, e.g. mobdeaths 7 9 good |
mobkills | Show monsters that killed most players |
NEcrotic touch | Attack with the ‘Necrotic Touch’ skill; available only to the Venomist Thief subclass |
newbie MESSAGE / nb MESSAGE | Send MESSAGE to the newbie channel |
noexp | Toggle gaining experience |
nofollow | Stop anyone from following you (including pets) |
nofollow NAME | Stop NAME from following you |
nofollow players | Stop players from following you (but not a pet) |
nograce | Toggle grace period after being PKed |
NOInfo | Toggle info channels on/off completely |
noloot | Toggle allowing anybody to loot ones corpse |
noobjlevel | Toggle showing object level when using equipment or inventory (the green numbers in parentheses after the item) |
NOPAge | Toggle allowing others to PAge you |
north | Move toward North |
NOTe / NOTe read | Read next unread note on current forum |
note catchup | Skip over all notes on the current forum; e.g. as an overwhelmed new player |
note catchup all | Skip over all notes on all forums except “announce”, “mudinfo” and “personal”; e.g. as a very overwhelmed new player ;-) |
NOTe from PERSON | List notes from PERSON |
note list NUMBER | Show headers of last NUMBER notes in the current forum |
NOTe read last/again | Re-read last note |
NOTe read NUMBER | Read note with number NUMBER |
NOTe subject TEXT | Shows notes with TEXT in subject |
NOTe threads | List all threads |
NOTe to PERSON | List notes to PERSON |
NOTe unread | Shows all unread notes in current forum |
NOTe write | Start a note (to a forum) |
OLdgroup | Show the previous group display. |
Open DIRECTION | Open door in DIRECTION; will automatically try to unlock it first |
Open OBJ | Open OBJect; will automatically try to unlock it first |
OPK | Check “open PK” status (i.e. whether other players may attack and kill you) |
OPK on | Enable open PK; cannot be disabled until 12 hours later |
OPK remove | Disable open PK; cannot be enabled again until 3 days later |
OWNEDCarry | List any equipment which you are carrying, which is owned by other players |
OWnedwhere | List all equipment with ownership flag set to your character, with location |
PAge PLAYER MESSAGE | Send MESSAGE to PLAYER, ignoring their afk and DEAf status |
PAGESize | Display after how many lines the pager activates |
PAGESize | Set after how many lines the pager activates |
pagesize LINES | Configures the server to send LINES lines at a time, to support basic clients that do not have built-in scrolling. |
PIck CONTAINER | Pick lock of CONTAINER; thieves only |
PIck DIRECTION | Pick lock of the door in DIRECTION; thieves only |
pkstats | Display information about your current PK status |
POker COMMAND | Play Poker; see help poker |
practice | Displays your current skill percentages |
practice SKILL/SPELL | Spend a practice session on improving SPELL/SKILL |
pray for corpse | Can be used 3 times per character at the Aylorian Chapel to retrieve ones corpse. |
prompt | Set prompt |
protocols | List enabled Telnet suboptions |
protocols gmcp | List what will be sent via GMCP |
put OBJECT CONTAINER | Put OBJECT into CONTAINER; it will try to target CONTAINER in ones inventory before a similar CONTAINER in the room |
QUAff POTION | Drink a magical POTION |
Quest appraise ITEM | See stats for ITEM before purchasing it for quest points |
Quest buy ITEM | Buy ITEM for quest points |
Quest complete | Complete a personal quest at a questmaster, receiving the rewards; the next quest can be requested after 30 minutes of real time |
Quest fail | Abandon a personal quest at a questmaster, forfeiting the rewards; the next quest can be requested after 15 minutes of real time |
Quest info | Show your current quest or time until next quest |
Quest list | See the list of items available for quest points at a questor |
Quest request | Request a personal quest at a questmaster |
Quest sell ITEM | Sell ITEM to questor for quest points (at a loss); remember that quest items also can be auctioned upon remort |
Quest time | Show your time remaining until next quest or time remaining on current quest |
QUIEt | Toggle quiet mode (no messages from any channels) on/off |
quit | Save character and log out |
quit check | Show any items (worn, carried, or in containers) that will disappear when quitting |
quit quit | Confirm quiting when on a quest (quest will be failed) |
race change RACE | Change your race only, without affecting other options; can be used free of charge every 3 days |
raceinfo | Show modifiers to stat training costs, any resistances or vulnerabilities and other race modifiers |
rbid | See items currently up for remort auction |
rbid ITEM_NO QP | Bid QP quest points on ITEM_NO |
realtime | Display server time and time until next scheduled reboot |
rebuild | For a charge of 5% of the total trains and practices gained this remort, you may have your characters stats reset to starting stats for your chosen race and have all of your trains/practices (minus the charge) returned to you so that you can practice your stats over. |
recall | Instant recall to Aylor; costs half of your current movement points (up to a maximum of 5000 moves) |
RECite SCROLL TARGET | Cast effects of SCROLL at TARGET; unlike staves and wands, scrolls should be in inventory, not held, when recited |
recreate PASSWORD | Deletes a character and recreates it |
Remove all | Remove all worn objects and put them back into your inventory |
Remove LOCATION | Remove object from wearable LOCATION (e.g. “head”) and put it back into your inventory |
Remove OBJ | Remove OBJect from your equipment and put it back into your inventory |
REPLAy | Replay caught/saved tells |
REPLy MESSAGE | Send MESSAGE to the last player who sent you a tell |
REPort | Report your HP, mana, moves and experience to the room |
REPort stats | Report your stats (Str, Dex, etc.) to the room |
RESIsts | See your resistance values |
RESIsts bars | See your resistance values as a bar chart |
RESt | Rest to regenerate hit points, mana points and movement points faster |
rget OBJECT | Pick up OBJECT from the ground, ones inventory, a container or a corpse; unlike get , this command defaults to items in the room before items in ones inventory |
RLOok OBJ | Like look , but defaults to OBJ in the room before a similar OBJ in ones inventory |
ROOm | Show current room name and exits |
ROster CLAN SORT | Show members of CLAN sorted by SORT (number): 1) Name, 2) Rank, 3) Level, 4) Date last on, 5) Primary class, 6) Race, 10) All classes. |
ROster SORT | Show members of one’s clan sorted by SORT (number): 1) Name, 2) Rank, 3) Level, 4) Date last on, 5) Primary class, 6) Race, 7) Donated gold, 8) Donated QP, 9) Tax paid, 10) All classes. |
RUn DIRECTIONS | Makes multiple moves in succession; for example, run 3n2e2s is equal to run nnneess . This is less spammy than using the “speedwalk” feature of one’s client, since the server skips sending room descriptions. |
RUNTo LOC / RT LOC | Execute speedwalk from Aylor recall |
SACrifice all / junk all | Offer all objects on the ground to your god |
SACrifice OBJECT / junk OBJECT | Offer OBJECT on the ground to your god |
saffects | Shows a shortened list of currently active spells and skills affecting your character |
save | Manually save the character without logging out; takes about 10 seconds to complete |
SAVETells | Toggle storing all tells sent to you while speedwalking or fighting |
SAy MESSAGE / ' MESSAGE | Send MESSAGE to players in current room |
scan | Scans all directions for players and monsters |
scan . / scan here | Scans current room for lifesigns of players/monsters |
scan DIRECTION | Scans a particular direction for lifesigns |
scan FILTER | Scan for a player or monster with FILTER in its name |
SCore | See attributes, quest points, goals, HP, mana, move points, gold, level, online hours, weight, items, hunger, thirst, resistance (armor effect), etc. |
SEll all | Sell all items that are not kept to shop |
SEll all.KEYWORD | Sell all items matching KEYWORD (and which are not kept) to shop |
SEll OBJ | Sell OBJect to shop |
shelp SOCIAL_NAME | Show how SOCIAL_NAME looks from different perspectives: 1. What you see when you give no argument. 2. What other people see when you give no argument. 3. What you see when you DO give an argument. 4. What others see when you DO give an argument. 5. What your target sees. 6. What you see when you use ‘self’. 7. What others see when you use ‘self’. |
showspell SPELL_NAME | Find the number for the spell named SPELL_NAME |
SIt | Sit to regenerate hit points, mana points and movement points faster |
skills | Display your character’s list of available skills |
skills all | Show all skills that will become available as you increase in level |
skills TYPE | Show only skills of TYPE, e.g skills dodge |
SLeep | Sleep (to regenerate faster) |
SLeep FURNITURE | Sleep in piece of FURNITURE |
SMote ACTION | Emotes an ACTION to the room, but allows placing the character name anywhere in the phrase |
SOCials | List all socials |
SOCials STRING | List socials with given STRING |
South | Move toward south |
speedwalks | List areas with speedwalks |
speedwalks MIN MAX | List areas within within level range MIN through MAX |
spells | Display your character’s list of available spells and their mana costs |
spells all | Show all spells that will become available as you increase in level |
spells TYPE | Show only skills of TYPE, e.g spells combat |
spellup | Automated spell casting |
STand | Stand up (from sitting, resting or sleeping) |
stats | Shows natural stats, stats from equipment and spells as well as class bonuses, along with a total |
STRICTSocials | Toggle requiring an asterisk before socials to prevent accidental socials |
study | List all the people in the room and their current state of health |
SUBscribe | See list of forums with subscription status |
SUBscribe FORUM | Toggle subscription to FORUM |
tasklist | Quick summary of all open tasks |
tasklist GOAL | List summary of tasks in GOAL |
tasks | List task reminders for all open goals |
tasks GOAL | List task reminders for GOAL |
tasks here | List task reminders for current area |
Tell -h | Show history of own tells |
think MESSAGE | Send MESSAGE to players in current room, in thought bubbles |
tierstats | Shows set tier training bonus(es) |
time / date | Display world time |
tpspend corpse | Spend 1 trivia point at Ravi Enterprises to retrieve all corpses you have (except in clan areas) |
tpspend OPTION | Spend trivia point(s) on OPTION at Ravi Enterprises (runto ravi ) |
train | View training costs (to increase stats) |
train convert | Convert practice sessions to train sessions |
train practices | Convert train sessions into practice sessions |
train STAT | Train STAT (spending sessions) |
UNKeep OBJ | Remove the flag set by keep OBJ |
UNlock DIRECTION | Unlock the door in DIRECTION; requires its key |
UNlock OBJ | Unlock OBJect; requires its key |
UNOutcast | Remove outcast status to be able to join a new clan; costs 25000 gold per current level |
Up | Move up |
Value OBJ | Ask shopkeeper what they would pay for OBJ |
vault buy | Buy a vault for 20 trivia points; it can store 20 items |
vault get ITEM(S) | Place ITEM(S) in vault |
vault list | List items in vault |
vault put ITEM(S) | Place ITEM(S) in vault |
vault status | Shows summary about your vault (without items list) |
vault upgrade SLOTS | Upgrade vault with SLOTS item slots (at a certain cost of trivia points) |
WAke | Wake (or stand) up (from sitting, sleeping or resting) |
warinfo PLAYER | Shows warfare statistics for PLAYER |
WEAr all | Wear all items in inventory |
WEAr ITEM | Wear an ITEM on the body to gain its benefits |
WEARAble | See the different wear locations available to you |
WEATher | Check the weather |
West | Move toward west |
WHEre | List details about the current area and the locations of all visible players within it |
WHEre TARGET | Tells you the room location of one character with that name within your area, including monsters |
WHIsper PLAYER MESSAGE | Send MESSAGE to PLAYER only (who is in the same room) |
WHo | List online players |
WHo consent | List players who have allowed you to loot their corpse |
WHo from cr | Find players who have marked themselves as willing to help retrieve corpses |
WHo helper | List online helpers (volunteers) |
WHo ignored | Show list of players ignoring you |
WHOIs | Show own stats (points, achievements, hours online, creation date, etc.) |
WHOIs CHARACTER | Shows details such as class(ses), level, sex, marriage and clan status, etc. about CHARACTER |
WIeld WEAPON | Equip WEAPON for use in combat |
WIMpy | Configure automatic flight attempts when below 20% of (current) max HP |
WIMpy NUMBER | Enable automatic flight attempts when character is below NUMBER HP |
WISh | See list of active wishes |
WISh costs | List available wishes |
WISh for KEYWORD | Buys the wish KEYWORD; at Vira |
WISh list | List all wishes |
WIThdraw all | Withdraw all gold from bank (while there) |
WIThdraw AMOUNT | Withdraw AMOUNT of gold from bank (while there) |
WIZlist | Show list of imms |
XTerm | Toggle 256 colors (instead of 15) |
Zap TARGET | Zap TARGET with (held) wand, using one of its charges |
For clan leaders
Command | Description |
MList | Lists area mobs by mob-key. |
OLIst | Lists area objects by obj-key. |
RList | Lists area rooms by room-key. |
Clan | Short name | Run | Description |
Boot Camp | boot | us | Newbie (and largest) clan |
Clan Imperium | imperium | ||
Crusaders of the Nameless One | crusader | sw | |
Dark Templars of Rhabdo Rana | rhabdo | ||
House of Touchstone | touchstone | 2nwd | |
Knights of Perdition | perdition | 6sd | |
Loqui | loqui | 2e | |
Masaki Clan | masaki | nu | |
Order of the Bard | bard | w | |
Retribution | retribution | ||
The Children of Ba’alzamon | baal | ||
The Creation of Tao | tao | 2s8eswnu | |
The Crimson Horde | crimson | 13s2w2s | |
The Emerald Knights | emerald | nd | |
The Fellowship of the Twin Lobes | twinlobe | 2neu | |
The Great Circle of Druids | druid | 13s4e5s2u | |
The Hook Clan | hook | ||
The Lone Adventurers | loner | Players who actively decided not to be part of any clan | |
The Midgaardian Publishing Group | gaardian | 4sw | |
The Order of Light | light | 2s8eswnd | |
The Outcast Clan of Shame | outcast | Players who left their clan and did not use UNOutcast | |
The Seekers | seekers | 8su | |
The Soul Pyre | pyre | 2s4e3s2ed | |
The Tribes of the Amazon | amazon | 16s2ws2e | |
The Watchmen of Aardwolf | watchmen | 6su | |
The Wolf Administration | wolf | - | Imms |
The Xunti Cult | xunti |
Definitions / Glossary
- Alignment ranges from -2500 (evil) to 2500 (good).
- Andolor is the name of the world in Aardwolf.
- Aylor is the largest city in Andolor.
- Completing campaigns for Commander Barcett in Aylor is like quests, but involve multiple victims and are much harder.
- Banks only store gold, not items.
- Channels are similar to chat rooms. The player can subscribe to multiple chat rooms to receive messages sent to them. To send a message to a channel, prefix it with the channel name (which may be abbreviated), e.g.
nb Hi!
to send “Hi!” to the newbie channel. - Clans are player-run communities, similar to guilds in some other games. Clans are at war with other clans, unless they have the NOPK flag set.
- Constitution reduces damage taken overall, determines your hit point gain when you increase in level and is important for most warrior abilities.
- Containers are used for organization and also offer the extra benefit of (usually) providing a reduced total weight for objects carried within them. Containers have a capacity and weight limit. The quest item ‘a Bag of Aardwolf’ changes capacity as you level.
- Currencies include gold, quest points and trivia points.
- When death occurs from being killed by a monster, you will lose some experience (at least 400), and have a small chance of losing one point in a random stat, which can be re-trained like normal. Your gold stays on your character, but your equipment is put in a corpse. The corpse rots after 3 hours of real life time. This timer stops while disconnected. If you have a clan, your corpse goes to the clan morgue room and you go to your clan’s death recall room (usually the same room). Unclanned and outcast players end up at the Aylorian hospital and must retrieve their corpses from the room where they died.
- Dexterity helps avoid attacks, determines how often you attack during combat and affects many skills, particularly those used by thieves.
- Use
from drink containers when thirsty. The Insulated Canteen from Boot Clan (U;S
) has 50 servings of milk that each replenish thirst by 81% and hunger by 100%. - Experience is gained by killing monsters and results in gaining levels.
- Forums are a bulletin board like system, where players and the system can post notes, which can be browsed and read by players.
- Goals are puzzles of varying difficulty.
- Gold coins are one of the in-game currencies. Campaigns, quests, and goals are a good way to start getting gold during the earlier levels.
- Being hungry or thirsty makes one regenerate HP/MP/movement points at a much lower rate.
- Immortals (“Imms”) provide, manage and maintain Aardwolf. In other worlds, they may be known as Gods or Admins. To see a list of current immortals, type
. - The info system works similar to chat channels, but for system announcements. These messages are sent through info channels that can be toggled on and off individually using
. - Intelligence increases your magical attacks, affects how quickly you learn new abilities, helps you avoid harmful effects and determines how much mana you will gain with each level increase.
- Inventory space is limited by weight (carrying capacity) and number of items.
- The number of items increases with the dexterity attribute. Also it’s a good idea to turn autoloot off, or keep all items one wants to keep, and sell all others in between “runs”.
- Carrying capacity increases with the strength attribute. There are also bags that decrease the weight of items within.
- Keys expire (usually) after 14 days of real time.
- Loners are players who have chosen not to be in a clan. This flag can only be removed after tiering or after one year of real life time has passed.
- Luck is the primary stat for nothing, but affects almost every ability to a lesser degree. Training luck is recommended as you increase in level but can be left until later for all classes except Psionicists.
- The market allows players to list regular auctions or with a buyout price. Items are delisted after a week.
- Mob is a synonym for monster.
- Every object in Aardwolf has a unique object ID to track and distinguish it from similar items. This can be used to unambigously identify it, e.g. when using the
etc. commands. - Practice sessions (or practices) can be spend on increasing skills and spells.
- Personal quests can be requested from questmasters, while “global” (competitive) quests are announced in the Gquest forum. Quests reward gold and quest points (at a minimum) and possibly additional bonuses such as trains, practices, and/or a trivia point.
- Quest points are gained through questing and can be spent on wishes.
- Player killing (PK) (or “PVP”, Player vs player) is almost completely optional in Aardwolf.
- When you reach SUPERHERO (level 201), you can continue to gain trains. Alternatively, you can choose remort into another class. What basically happens is that you add another class to your existing set of skills and spells and restart at level 1. Because Aardwolf has 7 classes, a player can ‘go around’ the whole game 7 times. Since there is more power to be had, there is also more experience per level to gain as a tradeoff. When you remort, you are going back to level 1 and your item and weight limits will decrease accordingly.
- Characters are saved saved automatically every 15 minutes as well as whenever they quit, level, die, complete a quest, change their password or manually
. - Strength determines how hard you hit during combat, the amount of equipment you can carry and affects most physical abilities.
- Every 30 second a tick occurs, this corresponds to approximately one hour of time elapsing in the game. Characters not in combat usually heal some at each tick.
- A person who has reached 7x remort status on Aardwolf and would like to continue playing the game, can restart the game and add a tier to their character.
- Train sessions (or trains) can be spend on increasing stats (strength, etc.).
- Trivia points can be earned by winning at trivia games, donating, converting quest points, killing some mobs, finish some campaigns, winning some global quests, or won randomly. They can be spent on special items at Ravi Enterprises, north of
. They can also be converted to tokens to be traded with other players. - Vaults are lockers, similar to banks in some other games. Due to their high price they would typically only be used for storing valuable items.
- Wisdom increases the damage and healing ability of cleric and ranger spells, determines the amount of protection you receive from spells such as sanctuary, and affects the number of practice sessions you will receive with each level increase.
- Wishes are special abilities for experienced Aardwolf players that can be bought for quest points at Vira (located up from the pulpit in the church of Aylor).
Keep (K)
Cannot be accidentally dropped, sold or eaten.
Invis (I)
The item is invisible to normal sight. Removed through the ‘solidify’ spell. If you expect invisible objects, try e.g. potsearch "detect invis"
to find potions that temporarily grant the ability “detect invis”.
I have returned and don’t remember whether I’m in a clan
Type CLANMotd