Knowledge sharing
- [Free speech](…/Free speech/)
- Anti-censorship
- Self-expression
- Indieweb
- Federation
- Software independence
- Software freedom
- [Open source](…/Open source/)
- Encryption
- Privacy
- Anonymity
- Knowledge preservation
- [Link longevity](…/Link longevity/)
- [Net neutrality](…/Net neutrality/)
- My blog is a digital garden, not a blog
- Why I Switched: A deep dive into Roam vs. Obsidian
- Andy Matuschak
- A practitioner of “Evergreen Notes”, a way of changing your thinking to (among other goals) become better at writing notes
- The Internet Is Rotting
- Nikita Voloboev: Everything I know
- Jacky Zhao
- The Threshold (Hermitage)
- Derek (ScriptAutomate)
- Cerebrarium
- Malik Alimoekhamedov
- WebSeitz